Becoming Good Ancestors: A Short, Playful and Quirky Introduction to Social Change for Older Folks
What Does Wisdom have to Do with It?
Stories of Social Innovators
Effective Approaches to Social Change
One Model of Social Change: Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Wrap Around Model
Making Change in Your Own Life and Reframing Your Own Narrative
Forming Circles of Interest to Make Change in Your Own Communities
What Does Wisdom have to Do with It?
- “The Statue That Didn’t Look Right,” from Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell
- Excerpt from Turning Wisdom into Change, Clint Wilkins (unpublished manuscript)
- On Wisdom, from The Wisest One in the Room: How you can Benefit from Social Psychology’s Most Powerful Insights, Thomas Gilovich and Lee Ross, pp. 1-9.
- “Late Bloomers,” Malcolm Gladwell (The New Yorker)
- Dilip Jeste, "Seeking Wisdom in Gray Matter: TED Talk" (
Stories of Social Innovators
- “The Story of Wag Dodge,” from Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance, Atul Gawande
- Muhammad Yunus and “The Stool Makers of Jobra Village” {Chapter 4, Banker to the Poor (1999)}
- Bill Drayton: “A Lever Long Enough to Move the World,” Fast Company, January, 2005, Keith Hammonds
- “Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition,” Roger L. Martin and Sally Osberg
- “Disruptive Innovation for Social Change,” Clayton Christensen, et al., Harvard Business School (Reprint R0612E; HBR OnPoint 1683)
Effective Approaches to Social Change
- “Three Approaches to Changemaking in Education,” from Turning Wisdom into Change, Clint Wilkins (unpublished manuscript)
- Collective Impact: “Jerry Sternin and Overcoming Child Malnutrition in Vietnam,” from Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, Chip and Dan Heath, pp. 27-32.
- Collective Impact, John Kania and Mark Kramer, Stanford Social Innovation Review (Winter 2011)
One Model of Social Change: Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Wrap Around Model
- “What It Takes to Make a Student,” New York Times Magazine, Paul Tough
- “The Harlem Project,” New York Times Magazine, Paul Tough
Making Change in Your Own Life and Reframing Your Own Narrative
- Finding the Frame: An Empirical Approach to Reframing Aging and Ageism, FrameWorks (2017)
- “Story Editing,” in Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change, Timothy D. Wilson, pp. 10-21.
Forming Circles of Interest to Make Change in Your Own Communities
- “The Tipping Point,” Malcolm Gladwell (The New Yorker)
- Relationship Editing,” in When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Daniel Pink, pp. 156-160.